Olorunfemi Taiwo Portfolio

A demostration of my projects, experience and skils in R, Excel, Tableau, SQL and PowerBI@holorunzei.

Cyclist Bike Share -
A Google Data Analytics Complete Case Study

The data analysis performed focused on analyzing a publicly available data from Cyclistic.
The analysis aimed to answer the question; How Does a Bike-Share Navigate Speedy Success?
by uncovering patterns, trends, and insights within the data to guide decision-making.

Tools: R, Rmarkdown
Skills: Data Cleaning, Analysis, Reports

Bellabeat Exploratory Data Analysis

Analyzing data from smart fitness devices to recognize trends and gain insights into customer usage, and provide recommendations instrumental in shaping Bellabeat's marketing strategy based on these identified trends.

Tools: R, Rmarkdown, Tableau
Skills: Data Cleaning, Analysis, Visualization, Reports


My Tableau Dashboard

Tools: Dashboard
Skills: Visualization, Reports


lagos, Nigeria




